EMMIT+ is now live and registration is open!
Registration instructions and user tutorials will be on EMMIT+ under "help"
EMMIT+ is a GIS-based online inventory of the historic and archaeological records on file at the NH Division of historical Resources, NH's State Historic Preservation Office.
EMMIT+ is an interactive portal for agencies, municipalities and others who use NH's SHPO programs. EMMIT+ allows users to submit, track and manage projects for Federal Section 106 Review, State Review and the State and National Registers of Historic Places.
EMMIT+ was developed by the New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources (DHR), NH's State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO). DHR's mission is to preserve and celebrate New Hampshire's irreplaceable historic resources through programs and services that provide education, stewardship, and protection.
Enhanced Mapping & Management Information Tool
EMMIT is a publicly-accessible Geographic Information System administered by the New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources. This system gives subscribers a convenient means of accessing more than 16,000 records pertaining to the state’s historic and archaeological resources. Subscribers will have the ability to perform searches based on locational parameters as well as user-specified attribute criteria. The purpose of this system is to provide these materials to its subscribers in an efficient way, while maintaining a comprehensive archive of the statewide survey of historic properties in an ongoing initiative. The information contained in EMMIT represents the state’s sole comprehensive, up to date inventory of the state’s historic and archaeological resources
What types of resources are accessible within EMMIT+?
- National Register of Historic Places nomination forms, photos and maps
- NH State Register of Historic Places inventory forms, photos and maps
- Individual Inventory Survey forms, photos and maps
- Project Area forms, photos and maps
- Historic District forms, photos and maps
- Town-Wide Area Forms, CLG grant products, technical assistance reports
- Request for Project Review (RPR) completed projects
- NHDOT's Historic Bridge Inventory
- Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS) documentation
- Historic American Engineering Record (HAER) documentation
- NH Historic Property Documentation
- Archaeological site forms (restricted access)
- Archaeological survey reports (restricted access)
- Miscellaneous Reports created for or by NHDHR