Survey & Inventory

The New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources is responsible for collecting, organizing, and making available survey information on New Hampshire’s historic resources through the Survey & Inventory program.

The survey and inventory of historic properties in New Hampshire is the foundation of all preservation activities in the state. The New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources (DHR) is responsible for collecting, organizing, and making available survey information on New Hampshire’s historic properties. The types of historic properties in the inventory varies greatly and, for example, can include farmsteads, town halls, churches, town pounds, commercial buildings, worker housing, factories, village centers, residential subdivisions, and rural cultural landscapes. Properties are typically documented either using an individual inventory form for a specific property or an area form when documenting multiple resources as a district.

To access existing inventory forms, a records search can be completed using DHR’s Enhanced Management and Mapping Tool (EMMIT) or by setting up an in-person research appointment. EMMIT is a subscription-based, online inventory of the historic and archaeological records on file at DHR. To set up a research appointment, please contact the NHDHR Records Coordinator.

Determinations of Eligibility

Properties recorded on an inventory or area form are typically evaluated for eligibility for listing in the State Register of Historic Places or National Register of Historic Places, or both. The inventory forms are an important tool for any historic resources survey or planning project, and for Review and Compliance purposes. DHR's Determination of Eligibility Committee meets bi-monthly to evaluate recently documented architectural resources for eligibility. DHR's Architectural History Consultants List is available to those in need of consulting services.


Individual Inventory Form

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Result Count: 5 10 15 25

Area Form

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Result Count: 5 10 15 25

DOE Schedule

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Result Count: 5 10 15 25