Curation Guidelines
NHDHR maintains the only archaeological curation and collection management facility in the state willing or able to receive new collections generated by Section 106 compliance.
Procedures and Requests
Access to site and project files along with associated archeological data is available on a scientific and management need to know basis. Duplication of materials may be restricted pursuant to the Copyright Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. C-42 guidelines. Archaeological site location information is reserved from accessibility under state law and the Freedom of Information Act (FOYA). The NHDHR limits access to these files in order to protect resources and prevent unauthorized excavations.
Researchers should notify the NHDHR of their interest in working with specific materials in curation and submit a Request for Access to Archaeological Materials Form (Appendix K). Guidelines for completing this form are found in Procedures to Access Archaeological Materials (Appendix J).
Researchers must deposit with the NHDHR one digital and one print copy of any written report, publication, or poster resulting from the study or analysis of curated archaeological materials. Researchers must not disclose the location or nature of any archaeological sites, artifacts or other findings made known to them via the study or analysis of curated archaeological materials or documentation, through any print, electronic, broadcast or other media or through any public or private presentation without permission of the State Archaeologist.