Project Review Coordination FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions regarding Project Review Coordination.

When should I start the Section 106 review process?

You should start the process as early as possible in the project planning process. Section 106 review should proceed before other environmental reviews in order to prevent project delays. 36 CFR § 800.1(c).

How do I start the Section 106 review process?

To initiate Section 106 review in New Hampshire, submit a Request for Project Review through our online portal, EMMIT+

Who can complete a Request for Project Review form (RPR)?

The RPR must be completed by the federal agency, project proponent, or appointed agent through EMMIT+

How do I know if my project is transportation related?

A transportation-related project generally includes any projects where the lead federal agency is organizationally under the U.S. Department of Transportation, the New Hampshire Department of Transportation is involved in any way, and/or the project scope involves transportation infrastructure.

What will the DHR do with a completed RPR?

Once received through EMMIT+, the RPR will be reviewed by our professional staff. Within 30 days of receipt, we will respond in writing. The response may include information on:

  • whether the project is likely to affect historic or archaeological properties,
  • whether further DHR review is required,
  • whether additional information is needed to assess the likelihood that historic or archaeological properties will be affected by the proposed project, and
  • whether an archaeological survey or historic study of the property is warranted

If, after review of the RPR submittal, the DHR determines that the project is unlikely to affect significant historic or archaeological resources, then the SHPO review is complete.

Coordinate with NHDOT to finalize the Section 106 process for transportation projects.

How long does Section 106 review take?

The DHR comments on all projects within 30 days from receipt of the RPR. In order to expedite the process, please make sure your submittal package is as complete as possible, including all materials and information requested within the RPR. Please keep in mind that some projects require the submittal of additional information including inventory forms, archeological reports etc. which may necessitate additional consultation with the DHR.

What can I do to have my review expedited?

The best way to have your review expedited is to make sure the information submitted is complete, so that the DHR does not need to request additional information.

Should I call or email the DHR to inquire as to the status of the review my project?

It is not advisable. Telephoning the DHR can actually result in a delay in our response time due to our limited staffing. However, if you submitted a project and have not received a response within 30 days, please send an email to

Should I meet with DHR staff to present my project information in person?

No. Send in a completed Request for Project Review. DHR staff will review it and request a meeting, if needed.

Will DHR review delay a project?

There is no reason that DHR review should delay a project as long as the project planners contact the DHR (by submitting an RPR) early in the project planning process. Delays are most frequently caused when project planners do not initiate DHR review early in the planning process or submit incomplete information.

Can the Section 106 review process stop a project?

No. The Advisory Council, SHPO, and the review process cannot stop a project.